Frenetik Void
La Mirada Final
The theme of the loss permeates all the worlds. A loss of privacy, a loss of memory, a loss of time, a loss of one-self. Inside everyone there are secret rooms. They’re cluttered and the lights are out. There’s a bed in which someone is lying with his face to the wall. Insomnia is an all-night travel agency with posters advertising faraway places. “We have no secrets from our insomnia” and Frenetik is displaying in a way this kind of scan. While I couldn’t call these works dreams, I could call them the result of an all going give away. A sort of automatic workout with the computer that could be understood as the superposition of retinal impressions of a post human imaginery.
Frenetik Void (Buenos Aires, 1994) studies Sound and Image Design at the University of Buenos Aires. As for 3D technology, he made an intuitive and autodidactic path. Since 2019 he works in crypto art, where he also created CryptoArg, the first Crypto Art community in Argentina and one of the biggest in the world.